
Thomas Chaucer

This section is about Thomas Chaucer. Here you will find a short biography of Thomas Chaucer, the son of the author of the Canterbury Tales.

Thomas Chaucer was the eldest son of Geoffrey Chaucer. Thomas continued his father's tradition of public service. He served as chief butler to King Richard II, constable of Wallingford Castle, steward of the honors of Wallingford and St. Valery and of the Chiltern Hundreds, successor of Geoffrey Chaucer as forester of North Petherton Park, Somersetshire, and member of Parliament 1400-81. He was chosen speaker of the House of Commons in 1407, 1410, 1411, and 1414. He was present at the battle of Agincourt, one of the decisive battles in European history.

Despite his many achievements, Thomas Chaucer his father's fame and reputation are so great that Thomas is remembered solely as a footnote in his father's biography. It may also serve as a commentary about the relative worth and endurance of artistic achievement versus political achievement. What this younger Chaucer did as butler, as advisor to the king, as member of parliament, is all forgotten. On the other hand, a mere twenty stories written by his father have immortalized the older Chaucer and he is still read and studied six hundred years later.

Canterbury Tale Summaries

Geoffrey Chaucer
Geoffrey Chaucer

Canterbury Tales - The Wife of Bath's Tale
The Wife of Bath's Tale

Canterbury Tales - The Miller's Tale
The Miller's Tale

Canterbury Tales - The Shipman's Tale
The Shipman's Tale

Canterbury Tales - The Knight's Tale
The Knight's Tale

Canterbury Tales - The Summoner's tale
The Summoner's Tale

Canterbury Tales - The Pardoner's Tale
The Pardoner's Tale

Canterbury Tales - The Prioress's Tale
The Prioress's Tale

Canterbury Tales - The Cook's Tale
The Cook's Tale

Canterbury Tales - The Monk's Tale
The Monk's Tale

Canterbury Tales - The Merchant's Tale
The Merchant's Tale

Canterbury Tales - The Nun's Priest's Tale
The Nun's Priest's Tale

Canterbury Tales - The Franklin's Tale
The Franklin's Tale